This product is forin vitro (diagnostic) use only. Not for human or animal consumption.
The high purity bovine thrombin (> 2200 U/mg protein) is used by many diagnostic companies worldwide to defibrinate plasma, producing serum matrixes to be used as controls and standards or in polyclonal antibody production. Using bovine thrombin in polyclonal antibody production to defibrinate plasma may increase antibody yields by 15-20% over off-the-clot methods of defibrination. (BioPharm Defibrination Protocol)Our high purity thrombin is also used to cleave His Tags and GST Tags with a high degree of specificity. We express our units in US Units (aka, NIH Units) measured by coagulation. There are approximately 5 Thrombin cleavage units for every one US Unit.
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